July 19, 2024

Top 10 Logo Fonts in 2020 That All Designers Want To Get Their Hands On

Picking the right logo font can be an excruciatingly hard and tedious task.

The font you choose and the colors that go with it will make or break your design.

As font trends are always changing, we’ve got you covered and are here to share our most recent top picks with you.

The Best 10 Logo Fonts You’ll Want To Use in 2020

There are loads of lists of fonts out there, but we’ve picked the best of the best.

From our professional designers to you, here’s our personally curated list of the best logo fonts of 2020.

1. Ambit

logo fonts of 2020

Starting off the list with a bang, I present to you, Ambit.

Ambit is a classic font that I’ve loved for a long time now and have used it in a fair amount of logos that I designed.

This classic and timeless sans serif was designed by CoType Foundry, with their inspiration coming from early grotesque, but has now been adapted for modern design use in the 21st century.

From Thin to Black, Ambit features 7 different weights, so that there is something for everyone.

Ambit is the perfect font for a modern and sleek logo.

2. Bodoni

bodoni logo font



Bodoni is next up on the list.

Bodoni is the perfect font to use for any type of elegant fashion logo.

Giambattista Bodoni created this font in a time when loads of designers were experimenting with a dramatic contrast between thick and thin lines.

This font looks like it came straight out of a Vogue or Calvin Klein magazine.

Give it a whirl on your next design. You’ve got nothing to lose because it’s free!

3. Didot

Didot is another gorgeous, yet dramatic serif font that would go great not only with fashion logos, but anything modern, sleek, luxurious, and elegant.

There are many different versions of Didot, but perhaps the most well-known version is the one that Giorgio Armani used in their logo.

With the right tracking and kerning, this logo could be the perfect font for your next elegant logo project.

4. Helvetica Now

After being named one of the most widely appreciated fonts of 2019, we see no slowing in its widespread use and continual growth.

Helvetica Now is available in 3 optical sizes, Micro, Text, and Display.

Helvetica Now is essentially everything you’ve ever loved about Helvetica, with all sorts of little tweaks and improvements, all wrapped up into one new font.

And that font, may just be your new favorite.

It might be mine.

5. Untitled Sans

Meet Untitled Sans.

Untitled Sans is the product of the Super Normal project, created by Jasper Morrison and Naoto Fukasawa.

Untitled sans comes in 10 different styles, so you can find the one that works best for you.

6. TT Norms Pro

Another great typeface we want to highlight today is TT Norms Pro.

TT Norms Pro was the #1 best selling geometric sans on Myfont in 2017 and continues to trend in 2020.

The font comes in an astounding 22 different styles. 11 uprights and 11 italics.

7. Big Caslon

This font is actually pretty historical. Back in the 1600s, there was a group of serif typefaces created by by William Caslon I.

Big Caslon is a revival of the said font group that dates all the way back to the 1600s, and is now making a marvelous appearance in the digital age of the 21st century.

8. Abril Fatface

You may recognize Abril Fatface from the Abril family of fonts.

Abril Fatface has 18 different styles and variations of the serif for you to use.

9. Aileron

Aileron was inspired by aircrafts of the ’40s and is a Neo-Grotesque sans serif typeface.

This sleek sans serif comes in 16 different weights and the best part about it all?

It’s free-99.

10. Brandon Grotesque

Brandon Grotesque is a staple font for me.

One of my go-to’s.

Brandon Grotesque gets its origin inspiration from old gothic fonts from the 1920s/1930s and is aesthetically pleasing as heck.

We predict that we’ll be seeing this font all over in 2020, so you might want to hop on this train soon!

Stay Safe, Everyone

We hope you enjoyed this list and that it took your mind off of the current events going on around us.

If you’re working from home now due to COVID-19 and are looking for tips on how to stay focused and productive, we’ve got you covered.

Stay safe and stay home if you can, everyone.

And as always,

Stay creative, folks!



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