It’s happened to all of us at least once in our lives. You load up a website and click out of it as fast as your clicks will allow. It’s usually because of a bad design, or a slow loading time. Such a website is definitely not user-friendly.
With such a massive digital word at the click of a mouse, it’s not all that hard to find something that meets our needs. But, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of bad web designs out there. Let’s talk about it.
What does good design mean?
Although it takes many hours of practice to become an expert in web design, the basic principle of good web design is easy to understand. In short, a good website design must be user-friendly. That is, any site visitor (be it a blog reader or a buyer of products) must be able to complete their action on the site with ease.
So think about who you are addressing with the site you own. Make sure that each page on the site gives the visitor a pleasant experience and that the information provided is logically structured, so the visitor’s needs are easily satisfied. The easiest way to identify issues with your site is to put yourself in the place of your potential client.
Let’s take a look at some design errors and identify ways you can diagnose them.
Mistake #1 – Not mobile friendly/optimized

If you have an older site, it’s time for an upgrade. Recent studies show that more than 80% of the world’s population with Internet access uses navigation and their mobile phone or tablet for navigation. We can only expect that number to go up in the future
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. As such, we are all trying to keep up with these innovations. People actually prefer to browse mobily. In traffic, at the wheel, on lunch break. we all use smartphones to browse the internet.
It is imperative that the site you own is optimized for users of these mobile devices. Otherwise, you will lose many of your potential customers. So if your site does not work well on a mobile device, it’s upgrade time.
But, how do you know if your site works well on mobile?
How do you know if your site works well on mobile devices? The first step is to try it on your own smartphone and/or tablet. If you can quickly and easily navigate the site using your own devices, then you can stay somewhat quiet. However, there are a lot of mobile devices on the market. Each has its own operating system. It would be impossible to test them all to see if your site works well on all of these devices.
Instead, if you have Google Analytics installed, you can see how people interact with your site based on the screen size of the device you are using. Simply go to the Audience> Devices section. Mobile Device Info In the mobile device info section will show you information about the type of mobile phone users to access your site. You will also find information on the bounce rate.
What does bounce rate tell us?
This rate monitors the behavior of a prospective customer. It’s the percentage that site visitors give up staying on the page. They are looking for more attractive sites. The higher the rate, the more users leave quickly. This means they have not found what they’re looking for or are not happy with your site. Also in this section, you will find information on how long a user’s interaction with your site pages lasted. If the interaction rate is low, this translates into a lack of interest for the site or for certain pages of the site.
How can you fix this problem?
The first step is optimizing the site for mobile devices. Careful! There are sites so old that they can no longer be optimized in a competent way. The only solution is to make another, modern, mobile-friendly site.
So you have a few solutions at your fingertips. One of the solutions would be to get in touch with a professional to advise you on the new trends in web design. Or, if you use a WordPress site, you can find a new mobile-friendly template. Thus, you can make the actualization yourself if you feel confident about it.
Mistake #2 – Bad formatting

It is very important to have users experience on your site. The fact that they can easily navigate the site, going logically from one page to the next, adds to the positive experience potential customers have when they interact with your site. For the process to work smoothly, visitors need to understand what page to navigate to reach their goal and to get what they wanted. But identifying navigation issues within the site can be difficult, especially if you know your site well and you know how it works.
How to identify navigation issues on your site
For example, it may seem logical for you to place a particular page under a certain category in the menu. However, visitors to your site may not think the same. Or maybe the button they need to click to place a command is not quite obvious. It is good to put yourself in the place of those who visit you, try to understand the site and from their perspective. There are a great number of possible navigation problems, whether large or small, can hinder your attraction of potential visitors to your site or even customers.

The first step is to make sure that your site visitors do not encounter navigation problems. To help you outline a pertinent idea, you can ask for help from your friends. You can ask them to try to perform a certain task on the site (such as buying a product) and report any problems you encounter in the process. You can also test your site by calling a specialized company. Testing users using a specialized firm is a complex process that can provide you with much more information. You can find out the user’s opinion about the category that could fit a particular good or service (a pertinent answer that could help you design your menus better).
If you have a website focused on generating potential customers for your business, then the contact form is a vital tool. Often, it may be tempting to include as many possible fields as possible to get more information about users. This is not a successful one. Overloading the user can cause him to change his mind. A uploaded form will cause the customer to leave the site without completing the order. The more orderly the order form, the fewer you will have to complete it.
Very simple! Try including only the absolutely necessary information to make the sale (phone number, mail address, delivery address, timeframe for making that delivery, etc.)

If you own an online store, you need to make sure that the process of validating orders on your site is not a complicated one. If this process takes a lot of time, it involves the filling of too busy forms, you will surely lose your customers.
There are several tactics you can adopt. You can provide checkout on the site without registration – or quick checkout. Do not force users to account or avoid paying extra charges. Also implement multiple payment options. The user should be given the choice between paying or reimbursing the card (which must necessarily be secured). It should be able to choose whether delivery will be by mail or courier. Terms and conditions must be visible as well as the return variants that you provide to your customers.
If people do not trust us then they will not even do business to get involved. Nothing easier. If you had a real store then you would have the opportunity to meet people face to face. This would make it easier to build relationships and win your clients’ trust. In the online environment, winning user trust is a little more complex process, given that the human factor is passed to the 2nd place. So without the face-to-face interaction one has to win the trust of our clients on our behalf will be the site on which we have it. So the site you own has to inspire confidence so people are not reluctant to do business with you.

Obviously, you need to do something to make the site inspire confidence. But, what are you supposed to do? Well, the basics are contact details (including a real-world address) so people know they can come in contact with you if things go wrong. Also, information about how you manage complaints should appear on the site and be accessible. More advanced ways to increase customer confidence in your site are reviews and testimonials. These demonstrate to potential customers that those who have already done business with you have been pleased. They also appreciate the services or goods they have purchased online. However, it is very important to place the site where you decide to enter the reviews or testimonials of other clients. You should first test these variants to make sure they have the biggest impact.

Imagine that you decide to change the color of the “buy” buttons, from blue to green. Your sales are up 5% over the next month. You seem to have made a good decision. But you can not be 100% sure. After all, sales growth may be due to other external factors such as a new online marketing campaign or season change. In other words, it is good not to make hasty conclusions. If you make changes to your site without testing them, then you can not be sure of the effects these changes have on your sales.
You have to start thinking about A / B testing. Although it can consume a lot of time (or it costs a lot of money if you hire a specialized agency), this test provides a very good insight into ways to increase sales.
Improving the design of your site is a continuous process – whether it’s a major overhaul or minor changes. You must always be looking for the improvements you can make. Be attentive to the competition, do not be outdone, and do not forget to test your ideas before putting them into practice so you can make the best decisions about the improvements you can make.
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