Back in May we showcased here 19 Inspiring Examples of Text Over Images in Web Design and we had a really good response on the designs we featured. So for this post, type will take the center stage again. This time showing you beautiful ways to draw attention to your text. We will show you more examples of text over images, and also other approaches to making beautiful typography in web design. From pretty clean and simple designs to colorful and bold ones, there are certainly some good type inspiration here to spark your imagination.

Gisele MullerMay 14, 201612 Comments05k
17 Examples of Beautiful Typography in Web Design
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Another great compilation, ROOM11 looks awesome!
Mixd does live up to their name, their home page does have beautiful form 🙂
Minimalism at it’s best!
Love Grafik, New Zealand Design is killing it!
Frankly I think these examples are all pedestrian. Whatever has happened to creativity?
These websites are primarily good examples of beautiful photography and layout.
Typography can make or break a design…not sure if there examples are pushing the limits but still a good post. Thanks!
Really love the last couple ones. I really like the Mr. Visual one.
Nice stuff, but it seems to me that several of these sites look very similar, as though they are following a trend. Some trends are nice, but as a designer, I value innovation. I will admit that Gotham is my favorite font, ever. Like I sad, some trends I like.
Beautiful typography, make the design and the photography more outstanding.
Really Simply and Beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing
The link to “Mr. Visual” seems to be wrong. Despite that it’s a really nice collection!
ways to draw attention to your text and message. This is the new way of
communication and marketing.