If you have a website or app you need to design, throwing your ideas on paper and putting together wireframes is a great way to begin the process. To show you how important wireframes can be, in the past we’ve shown you 10 Free UI Wireframe Kits, 13 Super Useful UI Wireframe Tools and some wireframe sketches. And today we gathered a new round of UI and wireframe sketches for you. Remember that this list is only to show you how other designers approach their projects with sketches, and of course, to inspire you. Click on the images to learn more about each designer and their work.
Gisele MullerOctober 22, 20136 Comments03.8k
UI and Wireframe Sketches to Keep You Inspired
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Very inspiring sketches. I think hand drawn wire frames or elements always impress clients.
I actually developed a simple “hand drawn” UI kit last week, it’s free if anyone is interested. http://mmeininger.com/free-hand-drawn-ui-kit/
I love this. I’ve recently did a UI design for a company that was requiring a custom joomla component to manage solicitations from government contracts. It doesn’t sound interesting to many people but I loved it. It was about 25 pages just for the admin component. I’m glad I’ve stumbled upon your post. Looking forward for more!
This what we call the real professional works! This is how people use to work before proceeding on any actual design, The way you have collected and presented the information is one of the perfect way!
The UI from various top designers, its just really amazing and inspirational work by all of them.
Very professional sketches! Love the Anthony Lagoon shading style in his UI 🙂
I don’t do sketches when doing most of my web projects. Well, i think i should start to learn to do sketches before start execute using Photoshop….
@Yofie Setiawan
Well, me2, usually i just did a really quick sketches then start Photoshop or AI, i wonder if my colleagues can wait a bit longer for my sketches and realistic mockups.