I don’t know about you, but when I text, I use a lot of emojis to express myself.
Maybe too many.
And there were so many times where there just wasn’t an emoji I needed to express myself, or something to describe what I was doing.
That’s why I’m so incredibly excited to announce that Apple will be adding an additional 217 emojis to the pack.
This year, they already added over 100 new emojis, including one of my personal favorites, the otter. 🦦
And now, we wait for 217 more in 2021.

If you’re a big dreamer, you’ll finally have an emoji to describe your head being in the clouds.
There’s also a mending heart, which I love, an exhaling face, and a few others!

One important thing that you should know is that 200 of 210 of these emojis are skin tone variants, which is incredibly exciting!
It’ll be amazing now that we can all find the perfect relationship emoji to describe our lives.

The update is expected to take place in January and will gradually roll out new emojis until October of next year.
And although we haven’t gotten an exact image of the new emojis from Apple, the talented designer Joshua Jones from emojipedia has made some mock-ups of what we can expect to see soon!

What are you most excited for in the upcoming emoji release?
What other emojis would you like for Apple to release?
Let us know in the comments below.

Maybe we can come together and make some emoji mock-ups and send a request to Apple to implement them.
Who knows what we could accomplish if we all come together.
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